Real Faith for Real Life
In Real Faith for Real Life, hostsPastor Bill Whitt and Pastor Eric VanderWall take a look at the way faith intersects with everyday life. Real Faith for Real Life addresses issues head-on to help faith make sense by engaging with passages from the Bible and discussing how popular culture intersects the gospel. Bill and Eric discuss what it looks like to have an authentic faith story amid everyday life—by loving God, loving people, and making disciples.
Real Faith for Real Life
Vision 3 - The Voice of the Congregation
Cascade Fellowship
Season 8
Episode 3
As part of our Vision Refresh process, our consultant surveyed the congregation, called together various focus groups, and conducted a congregational meeting. We were very encouraged but the results, which depicted our church as thriving in almost every way! In this video, Pastor Bill walks us through an overview of the data and puts it in historical context by reviewing recent history since the last visioning effort. In the next video, we'll dive even deeper into the results of our work with the congregation.